We build leadership pathways that empower talented community organizers and help them jump start their careers

The Challenge

Right now, our communities are being shaped about us, without us. Patriarchal racial capitalism provides disproportionate power to the white and wealthy few, engendering forms of tokenism that frequently alters the faces of power without actually changing the underlying systems, preventing real accountability to our communities.

The Solution

Brighter Future Institute provides training, coaching and strategic support to community organizers, movement organizations, leaders and policy experts working to empower North Carolina’s Black, Brown, working-class, gender-diverse, LGBTQ+ and youth communities to shape decisions that directly impact them. Through our work, we:

  • Strengthen base building organizing across North Carolina
  • Mentor highly skilled, emotionally resilient, strategically developed organizers
  • Facilitate learning and sharing across North Carolina’s social movement ecosystem 
  • Build capacity to win structural change and develop collective, participatory practices of co-governance


Brighter Future Institute believes in co-governance models of building power: shifting from individualistic leadership practices towards distributed decision-making processes with many leaders seated at our movement’s table who share and own stake in transforming North Carolina to a state where we all can thrive. We believe in organizations working together across different roles towards a shared vision of change.

What we stand for

  • Racial justice
  • Economic justice
  • LGBTQ+ justice
  • Criminal justice
  • Environmental justice
  • Reproductive rights
  • Democratic and voting rights
  • Right to a quality public education
  • Equality and justice for all

Need to get in touch? Contact us at info@brighterfuturenetwork.org